Post Computer Services Perth Blog -Tips

New Proposed Australian Flags
New Proposed Australian FlagsOne Design for 4 New Australian Flags that Unite Australians Click here to go to The New Proposed Australian Flagswebsite The Case for a New Australian Flag IntroductionAustralia, known for its independence, diversity, and unique identity, is contemplating a change in its national flags. The current design, rooted in colonial history, may […]

Artifical Intelligence – AI
Artifical Intelligence AI The world is on the brink of a transformative change with the advent of new AI technologies in 2023. These advancements will usher in a plethora of differences, offering unprecedented opportunities. Now, you can harness the power of AI by installing ChatGPT, an innovative tool that has the potential to revolutionize your […]

Google Assistant
Google AssistantWhat is Google Assistant!! Apple’s version is Siri, Amazon’s is Alexa, Windows’s is Contana Google Assistant is a voice and text assistant where you talk to your deviceSaying “Hey Google, what is the temperature today“Google Assistant device will answer you in a return voice message, or if you havea screen on your device, you […]

5G – The Confusion Sorted Out
Confusion between 5G ‘s 5G – 5th Generation Mobile & 5G – 5ghz WiFi We have been hearing about 5G for months and now in the next few months this Technology will be part of our lives. We have had 5G -5GHz WIFI for quite some time but is nothing to do 5G – 5th […]

Social Media harming the individual and Society
Social Media is Harming You, Me and Society The Losers: You, me and SocietyThe Winners: Big Business, Big Brother, Crime Syndicates, Sex Offenders. DELETE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA Turn off all notifications on Phones, Tablets, Computers and then do this: Have a conversation with your family, friends, neighbours.Take a walk, ride a bike, play a musical instrument, […]

Solid State Drives – A Good Investment
Hard Drive – spin drives ( Traditional ) verses Solid State Hard Drives (new) The time as come to move your main spinning Hard Drive to a solid state hard drive as the prices for Solid State Drives were very expensive. The prices have since drop dramatically. Why would you want to change to […]

Mac or Windows
Mac or Windows I have been in the industry for many years and support both the Mac and Windows platforms. We need both ecosystems to generate innovation and competition. For those who are Mac or Windows supporting clients stick with it, for this keeps the balance in check. For the undecided:Here is my personal views. […]

Fakes & Scams – how to manage
Fakes & Scams how to be become more savvy to avoid being a victim Windows 10 &11 build-in Security With the latest of Window 10 & 11, the built in Defender Securityis good enough for your computer, it is not necessary to buy additional antivirus software to protect your computer. Windows Defender now stops Ransomware […]

Disable SMBv1
Microsoft has been saying that we need to disable SMBv1 which is an old protocol that goes back to Windows XP for networking and sharing.The last windows 10 major update was in April – June 2018,|Microsoft has disabled SMBv1 on only new installs of Windows 10. (build version1803-17134.137 latest) Disabling SMBv1 stops networking, sharing. MOST Important for Everyoneespecially those […]

NBN – Telstra
Sharing my experience with using Telstra as my NBN provider Note: I am not affiliated with Telstra, only use their Services. I am extremely impressed with Telstra’s NBN Service. My NBN service went down 5th August 2018 7:01pm using my Phone line from the node. AT ONCE – no lost of time […]