Metro Locations
Computer Services Perth
Servicing the Perth Metro Area
If you are having Computer, Laptop or related devices issues, call Ron on 0409 200 112 or 08 9457 3338
to receive a free consultation on how to fix your problem. I can go remotely online to fix your computer or make a Business or Home call out at very reasonable rates.
Ardross | Craigie | Kewdale | Orelia |
Armadale | Crawley | Kiara | Osborne Park |
Ascot | Currambine | Kingsley | Padbury |
Ashfield | Daglish | Kinross | Palmyra |
Attadale | Dalkeith | Koondoola | Parkwood |
Atwell | Darch | Koongamia | Parmelia |
Balcatta | Darling Downs | Landsdale | Pearsall |
Balga | Darlington | Langford | Peppermint Grove |
Ballajura | Dianella | Lathlain | Perth |
Bassendean | Doubleview | Leda | Pickering Brook |
Bateman | Duncraig | Leederville | Piesse Brook |
Bayswater | East Cannington | Leeming | Port Kennedy |
Beaconsfield | East Fremantle | Lesmurdie | Queens Park |
Beckenham | East Perth | Lockridge | Quinns Rocks |
Bedford | East Victoria Park | Lynwood | Redcliffe |
Bedfordale | Eden Hill | Maddington | Ridgewood |
Beechboro | Edgewater | Madeley | Riverton |
Beechina | Ellenbrook | Mahogany Creek | Rivervale |
Beeliar | Embleton | Maida Vale | Rockingham |
Beldon | Ferndale | Manning | Roleystone |
Bellevue | Floreat | Marangaroo | Rossmoyne |
Belmont | Forrestdale | Mariginup | Safety Bay |
Bentley | Forrestfield | Marmion | Salter Point |
Bertram | Fremantle | Martin | Samson |
Bibra Lake | Girrawheen | Maylands | Scarborough |
Bickley | Glen Forrest | Medina | Secret Harbour |
Bicton | Glendalough | Melville | Seville Grove |
Booragoon | Gooseberry Hill | Menora | Shelley |
Boya | Gosnells | Merriwa | Shenton Park |
Brentwood | Greenmount | Middle Swan | Shoalwater |
Brigadoon | Greenwood | Midland | Sinagra |
Brookdale | Guildford | Midvale | Singleton |
Bull Creek | Gwelup | Millendon | Sorrento |
Bullsbrook | Hamersley | Mindarie | South Fremantle |
Burswood | Hamilton Hill | Mirrabooka | South Guildford |
Butler | Hazelmere | Morley | South Lake |
Byford | Heathridge | Mosman Park | South Perth |
Calista | Helena Valley | Mount Claremont | Southern River |
Canning Vale | Henley Brook | Mount Hawthorn | Spearwood |
Cannington | High Wycombe | Mount Lawley | St James |
Carabooda | Highgate | Mount Nasura | Stirling |
Cardup | Hillarys | Mount Pleasant | Straffon |
Carine | Hillman | Mt Helena | Subiaco |
Carlisle | Hilton | Mt Richon | Success |
Carmel | Hocking | Mullaloo | Swan View |
Carramar | Hovea | Mundaring | Swanbourne |
Casuarina | Huntingdale | Mundijong | Tapping |
Caversham | Iluka | Munster | The Vines |
CBD Perth | Inglewood | Murdoch | Thornlie |
Champion Lakes | Innaloo | Myaree | Trigg |
Churchlands | Jandakot | Nedlands | Tuart Hill |
City Beach | Jolimont | Neerabup | Two Rocks |
Claremont | Joondalup | Nollamara | Upper Swan |
Clarkson | Joondanna | Noranda | Victoria Park |
Cloverdale | Kalamunda | North Beach | Viveash |
Como | Kallaroo | North Fremantle | Waikiki |
Connolly | Karawara | North Lake | Walliston |
Coogee | Kardinya | North Perth | Wandi |
Coolbellup | Karrinyup | Northbridge | Wanneroo |

Osborne Park is a suburb of Perth, Western Australia in the local government area of the City of Stirling. Wikipedia
Area: 5.1 km²
Postal code: 6017
Location: 8 km (5 mi) NW of Perth CBD
Weather: 16 °C, Wind SW at 34 km/h, 84% Humidity
Population: 4,047 (2011 census)
Osborne Park is a suburb of Perth, Western Australia in the local government area of the City of Stirling. Wikipedia
Area: 5.1 km²
Postal code: 6017
Weather: 16 °C, Wind SW at 34 km/h, 84% Humidity
Population: 4,047 (2011 census)